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How to Find a Job Field You Love

Ever since they were little kids, some people have always had a dream job that they know they want. On the other hand, many others have no idea what type of job they want! They may have had jobs in the past, but nothing that they loved. You may want to find a job that you will love, but you do not know how to find that special job.

Want to find your passion? Here are some ways to find a job field you love:

Try Multiple Positions

Even if you already have a dream job in mind, it may take a while to land that position. Go and take some time to explore other career paths! You may find other jobs out there that speak to you as well. You do not want to have tunnel vision and believe there is only one path for you. Even if this does not sway you from your dream job, it is always good to get more experience.

Explore Internships

If you cannot commit to a full-time position, then consider an internship. Internships offer a low barrier to entry and allow you to explore new career options easily. Internships are extremely educational, and those in charge will answer any questions you may have about their given field! If all that sounds enticing, we offer internships!

Think Back to Previous Jobs

If you have been employed in the past, look back at your previous positions and think about the pros and cons of that job. Even for jobs you did not like, think back to what you liked. Maybe you liked the hours you worked, but you did not like the location. Try to find traits in your previous job experiences that you liked, and then look for positions that share those traits.

What Makes You Feel Fulfilled?

We know this is a big question, but try to figure out what makes you feel fulfilled. A job that properly motivates you to work is a job that you will love. For example, many enjoy their customer service jobs since they feel fulfilled solving someone’s problem and improving their day. For those concerned about the environment, they enjoy jobs that help make our planet a healthier and safer world. Try to figure out what makes you feel fulfilled and what would drive you to work as hard as possible!

Do Your Research!

Once you have an idea of a job field you want to work in, do some research and dive deeper into some positions. Look up some employee testimonials and see their thoughts, learn all required qualifications, find out what the average day is like at work, etc. The more informed you are, the more sure you will be that this position is for you.

There Is a Job for Everybody

Giving up on that dream position and finding a job you will merely tolerate can be the easy way out. However, having that mindset is not good, and that feeling of apathy will grow more towards distaste as time passes. It may take a while, but keep exploring new job opportunities. You may find the perfect job in the most unexpected of places.

Want more help with your career? Connect with us at Wrights Resumes and Connections to learn more today!

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