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Technology for some better sleep

Updated: Aug 15, 2022

One thing that I find most common between most people is that they tend to use their phone before going to bed. Although, sometimes it can backfire and keep you from sleeping properly. Victoria Song, from The Verge, gives us some tech pieces that can actually help us get some better rest in order to feel recharged and ready for the next day. One of the things that I found interesting on her blog was the Bose Sleepbuds II. For most people, including myself, I like to listen to some music or put on a certain ambiance to help me fall asleep. Sometime though, when I put in my earphones, I wake up with a very sore ear and in pain. I have seen some very positive reviews for this product and I would definitely recommend them. Some of the other tech V. Song recommends is more tech related than audio related and I will leave link to her post on this blog. What do you think about her tech recommendations? What are some of the tech that you use for falling asleep?

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